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Hippo 2025 Preliminary 


EXAM START: 14.02.2025 00:00

EXAM END: 15.02.2025 23:59



● All registrations are to be done via the Country Coordinator.

● Hippo Organization will provide your username and password credentials via the

Country Coordinator.

● The exam will be conducted fully online using auto-proctoring. The system detects

cheating activity and can disqualify cheaters.

● The exam is only available between the Start and Finish time. You will not be able to take

the exam outside these times.


● The exam is to be taken online using a device (computer, tablet or a phone).

○ Supported web-browsers: Chrome and Safari.

○ Supported devices: Windows PC, Android phone/tablet, MacBook, iPad and iPhone.

● The device must have a frontal camera and microphone.


1. How to take the exam?


Please watch the video tutorial and follow the instructions below:

a. Sign in at using username (as your candidate no.) and password - mentioned at above in your HALL TICKET which sent to your registered email or you can login  then click Document button to download on the website.

b. Navigate to the "Competitions" section in the left-side menu. Find the competition

under the “Active” category.

c. Click on the competition card to open it and then click the “Start” button to begin

the exam.

d. Follow the prompts by clicking “Next” and “Let’s start.”

e. Grant permission to your camera so we can verify your identity as a participant.

f. Allow access to your entire screen to ensure no other tabs or browsers are being


g. Ensure you are sitting alone in front of the camera with no background noise or


h. Once you begin the exam, you must

2. How to see my exam results?

Please watch the video tutorial and follow the instructions below:

a. Sign in at

b. On your profile page, find your latest competitions under the “History of

Participation” table.

c. Click the “Review” icon next to the competition name.

d. In the competition card that opens, navigate to the “Results” tab to view your


Note that the results will be available only after the Hippo organization releases them.

3. How to see my award and leaderboard ranking?

Please watch the video tutorial and follow the instructions below:

a. Sign in at

b. On your profile page, find your latest competitions under the “History of

Participation” table.

c. Click the “Review” icon next to the competition name.

d. In the competition card that opens, navigate to the “Leaderboard” tab to view your


4. How to download my Certificate?

Please watch the video tutorial and follow the instructions below:

a. Sign in at

b. On your profile page, find your latest competitions under the “History of

Participation” table.

c. Click the “Review” icon next to the competition name.

d. In the competition card that opens, navigate to the “Certificate” and click the icon


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PHI Connections
188/7 Samorrai Soi, Muang Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand


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