9.00 - 11.00 a.m. 3 December 2023
This competition is open to all schools in Thailand.
Mathlympics was inspired by the Olympics whereby athletes compete against each other, yet cultivate sportsmanship across the globe at the same time.
The first Maths Olympiad in Singapore allowed the use of scientific calculators back in 2008 as it aims to reduce the assessment of mechanical calculation skills, and emphasises on measuring analytical thinking and problem-solving skills.
The competition is only open to students in Thailand
from Grades 4 to 7 in the year of 2023
Registration Fee:
Preliminary Round: THB 950 / Student
Payment for registration closes on 19 November 2023.
Eligibility: Open to all Grades 4 to Grade 7 students
Format Paper:
Regional Round (Online)
Date : 3 December 2023
Time : 9:00 - 11:00 a.m.
Consists of Vault and Sprint Events
Vault - 28 questions for 1.5 hours
Question 1 - 10: 2 marks each
Question 11 - 20: 4 marks each
Question 21 - 28: 5 marks each
Sprint - 30 questions for 0.5 hours
Each question carries 1 mark.
Marks will be awarded for correct answers only. There will be no deduction of marks for errors. All decisions made by the organizers and judges will be global round.
Students who qualified for and participated in the Final Round will be awarded Gold, Silver and Bronze Certificates.
Students who qualified for and did not participate in the Final Round will be awarded a Certificate of Merit.
All other participants will be awarded a Certificate of Participation.
For further enquiries, please contact or visit
Global Mathlympics Competition 2024
Take part in the 16th Annual Mathlympics organised in Thailand this year for a chance to be sponsored for the Global Mathlympics Competition which will be held in Singapore in June 2024!
16th Annual Mathlympics Result :
Download PDF : AM2023 Thailand Results
E CERTIFICATES will be distributed by January 2024

Scope of the Mathlympics Competition
Topics will include arithmetic, number theory, combinatorics, logic, geometry, measurement, and algebra.
Addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, manipulations of whole numbers, fractions, decimals, percentages and square root.
If 48 is added to one-third of a number, the answer is triple the number. What is the number?
Divisibility, prime numbers, exponential numbers (eg. 22, 23), number patterns and sequences.
The greatest number of Mondays which can occur in 45 days is ___.
Finding largest, smallest or optimal number of objects satisfying certain criteria, deciding when the criteria can be met.
Vicky has four cubes of different colours – green, red, blue and yellow.
The number of different ways they can be stacked one upon the other is ____.
Inferring relationships between objects given a set of clues.
Mary, John and Pete have red, brown, and blonde hair, and are 13, 14, and 15 years old. Using the following clues determine the hair colour, and age of each child.
1. The youngest has blonde hair.
2. John is older than Pete.
3. John does not have red hair and Pete does not have blonde hair.
Size, shape (angles, symmetry) and relative position of figures and properties of space.
Zul has a wire 23 cm long. He wants to bend the wire to form triangles which have 3 different sizes. The number of triangles that can be formed with sides of whole number units is _____.
Magnitude of some attribute of measures of an object relative to standard measurements. Includes Rate and Speed.
A fence is 18 metres long. The fence posts are 3 metres apart.
How many posts are there in the fence?
Using symbols as "place holders" to denote constants and variables, and the rules governing mathematical expressions and equations involving these symbols.
You are in a queue at the water-cooler. You are the x person from the front and the y person from the back. How many people are there in the queue?
If you would like a copy of an exemplar Prelim Papers, please click on the links below:
Prelim Paper, Mathlympics: Questions (PDF, 259 KB) Past Papers [ 2018 ]
To order the Annual Mathlympics past years' papers please contact